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This sonnet is a re-publication from the 26th of September, 2017. In this version I have made some changes. It´s meant as a playful turn on words: and what they can do with me.

A dialogue of sorts; a sonnet

Let´s figure words is but a maze, content
to formulate, linger on and contemplate,
-themselves deceived to give consent-
a haze, designed to lure and infiltrate.

A monologue of sorts set to be,
upon a quite precise and timely scale,
rearranged, into a higher key;
a dialogue to be, released on bail.

What role is mine in this tumultuous play?
My manuscript, a prey for fading ink?
Where is my repartee, my piece of clay?
A proof-read sketch for you to read in print.

I make a coup d´etat within myself,
out-source me, to an inner well of wealth!

Bunden vers (Sonett) av Olof Lagerhorn VIP
Läst 77 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2023-11-13 11:19

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  Kajan VIP
Följsamt och rytmiskt, väldigt annorlunda, och bra.

  Sparvögat VIP
How nice you find the words ~
within you...

  Marita Ohlquist VIP
Bra och tankeväckande om ordens betydelse.
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Olof Lagerhorn
Olof Lagerhorn VIP