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Poem from my book My Own Poems of Life


We all have a meaning in life
It's what you do that create your meaning in life
We all have our own
What we do influences others
Especially them closest to you
Them you meet most as well
You make your own way
You make your own meaning
Make it a good one
In life
You make your own mark
How you work
How you love and all of that
For as long as you live
And beyond

There will always be people in your life
Family and friends that see you
For who you really are
Bad or good
This will decide some of what mark you will do
Try to do good
For the good of mankind
I know I try
Your actions speaks more then words ever could
Like Giving a hug or something
Just something to show your affection to people
That matters in your life
Especially the family I have I would say
Who matters most to me in this life I have now
They will always be there for me as I will be there for them
This give me meaning
They give me meaning

Fri vers av Tommi Perkiö VIP
Läst 20 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2024-04-26 12:59

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Tommi Perkiö
Tommi Perkiö VIP